The second Operation Safe Pass is taking place today, targeting motorists who pass too close to cyclists.
It follows the start of the campaign in October when 31 motorists were stopped for violating the Highway Code.
Qualified cyclists will be out on the road again today, wearing helmet cameras and cycling at the correct distance from the kerb.
Motorists overtaking the bikes contravening a Highway Code rule that requires drivers to leave a gap of 1.5 metres will be pulled over by the police and will receive a training session about the need for the distance.
The initiative was launched by Hull City Council and Humberside Police last month. Of the 31 motorists who were stopped for driving too close to cyclists, six could not remember seeing a cyclist.

The required distance between the kerb, a cyclist and a motorist
Councillor Anita Harrison, Portfolio Holder for Streetscene, said: “We held the first day of Operation Safe Pass in October and more than 30 motorists were stopped for not passing cyclists with the required distance.
“This operation aims to remind motorists to be aware of their surroundings and road position at all times, to ensure the safety of everyone using the roads.”
The Highway Code Rule 163 states motorists should give cyclists and other vulnerable road users the same distance as a car when passing, or about 1.5 metres
Cyclists are also encouraged to keep a minimum distance of 0.75m from the kerb, this position makes them more visible to motorists.