Transport & Streets

Women cyclists rode from Cottingham to Hull as part of a public cycle event held during TravelWise Week

TravelWise Week campaign shortlisted for national award

Hull City Council could secure back-to-back national awards for promoting active and sustainable travel to residents, businesses and communities, after being shortlisted for the 2024 TravelWise Week Awards.

Modeshift, the … More

Cumberland Street.

Resurfacing works for Cumberland Street

A week-long carriageway resurfacing programme will take place on Cumberland Street next week.

Works will begin on Monday 3 February to improve a section of road which has deteriorated between … More

A view down Summergangs Road from the roundabout with James Reckitt Avenue.

Traffic calming measures for Summergangs Road

Traffic calming measures will be installed on Summergangs Road in east Hull from next month.

Hull City Council has appointed contractors MB Roche & Sons Limited to carry out the … More

A Hull City Council worker seen from behind wearing a high-visibility jacket emblazoned with the "Love Your Neighbourhood" logo. In the background is a spring scene in a British street

Love Your Neighbourhood: Sutton area tidy-up begins

Hull City Council’s Love Your Neighbourhood project has arrived in the Sutton area today. 

As part of the citywide initiative, several streets within Hull’s Sutton Ward will undergo a comprehensive tidy-up … More
